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Mª José Rodríguez Jaume closed the training sessions of the European EU-ECO-FIN project at ULE.

On January 23, sociologist María José Rodríguez Jaume delivered a lecture at the Faculty of Education, marking the closure of the second edition of the course ‘New Sustainable Development Framework in the European Union for Economics Teaching’ from the Jean Monnet EU-ECO-FIN Project at the University of León. Her lecture on ‘Gender-Sensitive Teaching’ covered topics such as content, assessment, teaching organization, communication, and gender perspectives in educational resources.

This activity is part of the training sessions organized by the EU-ECO-FIN project since October, under the coordination of Professor Mayte Tascón. Following the lecture, a round table discussion took place with Rodríguez Jaume, Adelina Rodríguez Pacios, Director of the Social Area at ULE, and researchers Sara Corral, Paula Castro, and Mayte Tascón.

The EU-ECO-FIN project aims to provide practical training and innovative tools to Economics teachers in Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, and Vocational Training, based on values of freedom, tolerance, and non-discrimination. It includes a website with resources developed by a team of 13 professors from the universities of Valladolid and León. Notable achievements include the involvement of high-level experts and the integration of educational tools in schools, promoting sustainability in student education.


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