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The European EU-ECO-FIN Project of ULE Reaches Economics Teachers in Castilla y León

The Jean Monnet EU-ECO-FIN Project at the University of León (ULE), led by Professor Mayte Tascón, aims to integrate sustainability into the education of Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate, and Vocational Training in Castilla y León. This initiative, running until 2025, has trained numerous teachers since its inception last year through courses offered by the Teacher Training Center (CFIE) and university extension courses.

The project has a website ( that provides educational resources developed by a team of 13 professors from two universities. These resources have been utilized in various educational centers, promoting sustainability education.

This year, CFIE courses have been expanded to include teachers from all over Castilla y León, while university courses remain available for students in the Master's in Teacher Training program. The courses cover topics such as environmental sustainability, the 2030 agenda, rural development, gender diversity, and financial education.

The training activities, taking place until January 2024, include lectures and panel discussions on topics like rural development, EU energy policy, and gender equality. These public lectures will be held at the Faculty of Education.


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